Thursday, January 20, 2011

With & Without... Days 23 & 24

I have gone 3 weeks and 4 days without...
- soda
- sugar
- carbs
- oil
- fast food
- beef
- Mexican food
- Asian food
- going out to lunch
- a food/sugar high
- gum
- corn (even popped)
- CHEESE!! (i don't count the non-fat cottage kind)
- did I mention carbs?

I have gone 3 weeks and 4 days with...
- packing my lunch every day
- eating an apple every day (so far it has kept the doctor away... except for the weight loss one)
- eating a ton of vegetables every day
- giving myself a shot everyday
- getting encouragement every day
- learning how to love myself every day
- not taking the easy way out every day
- reading the Bible every day!!

I am a better person today than I was 3 weeks and 4 days ago? You decide! :)

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