Thursday, July 31, 2008

30 Days of Praise: Day 31 - Missions

Ok... the title was sort of a joke. Kinda sad the 30 Days of Praise are over.

I had to share. In about 12 hours my dad, brother, and niece leave for a mission trip to Romania!! This will be my dad's 4th trip to Romania! The first time he went just after the fall of the communist government with a group. Then in 2000 he went with ME!! Two years ago he went with my brother and sister-in-law. This year he is going with his son and granddaughter. I cannot imagine how special this trip is for my father.

As children we would watch our dad go to far away lands to tell others about Jesus. This love of mission spread to his daughter (I have been able to go on 2 global trips with my dad and 2 global trips without him), his son, and now his grandchildren. What a wonderful gift to pass down through the generations.

I have to give my mom mad props too... she did not want my father traveling to all these places (some more dangerous than others), but still she let him go and supported him. See... I told you I had awesome parents!!

If you want to follow their journeys they will be blogging (that's becoming the norm!!) here:

1 comment:

Julie said...

I think that this trip will be so great- your niece is so fortunate to be having such a life-changing experience so early in life. This trip will shape her life and keep her going in the direction God intends.