Saturday, June 02, 2007

Deep Theology with Pastor Rick: Part 3

This weekends message is on Managing Your Time. Here are the deep theology quotes:

- Time is far more important than money
- Prior does not make it priority
- In the end, you are not held responsible for meeting the expectations of yourself or others, just God's
- A lot of things are not necessarily bad, they are just not necessary
- People need to learn the middle two letters of the alphabet: "NO"

A few more that either he added since last night, or I didn't hear yesterday:

- (After reading the passage where Paul says do not be drunk on wine.) Don't be filled with spirits, but THE Spirit.
- (When talking about focusing on fashion and hobbies instead of God) You keep majoring in minors.
- Nobody knows what the futures holds, but we do know who holds the future: God.
- (When talking about the need to utilize today, do not wait,) Buy her flowers today, don't wait until the funeral.

1 comment:

John In Colorado said...

this is cool! "hi" from colorado.
if you run into my friend, steve adams, around there, tell him "hey" for me. he just started on staff there.