Thursday, December 30, 2010

Diet: Day 6 & Reading Plan: Day 2

I have to say that today I enjoyed the reading plan vastly more than the diet. Was pretty much hungry all day... and nothing I ate was enough. Plus the rumbling and headache... just not the best day. I think that drinking more consistently instead of drinking most of my water/tea at meals may help. We'll see.

I have loved hearing "recipes" from people who have done this before. If you are reading this and have done this diet... bring them on! I'll try to add any useful combination I discover as well. Rusty's pan-fried (in water cause you can't have oil) chicken with mushrooms (which are usually not my favorite) and onions... was one of my favorite meals so far. I can see that one being fixed again and even post-injections.

In the reading plan (the One Year Bible in I read through the fall (Genesis 2). I know it meant more to me and I saw more in it after looking at Romans 5:18 this Advent season. I could not help reading the passage today in light of Jesus and Christmas.

Romans 5:18
Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men.

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