Saturday, June 28, 2008


So... My google analytics tells me that I had 491 visitors in the last month! I wanted to just take a minute and say hi and welcome to all those anonymous (and not) peeps. Thank you so much for coming by! It is good to know I am not just talking to thin air sometimes. I pray that you are getting encouraged through my blog and my life. If there are any particular topics or style posts that you really like, please just comment and let me know and I will keep those coming.

Just a quick prayer for you:
Lord, Thank you for using my blog to reach people. I pray for everyone who comes to I pray that they find authenticity, hope, love, and truth. Bless their lives through mine. In the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen.

1 comment:

ayako said...

came through boundless blog. thank you for writing. i found an encouragement I needed - that was hard to find in church. thank you