Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thoughts on Worship

Had an amazing night of just focused worship at Saddleback. I do love playing cello there. It does not matter how much pain or how tired I am... as soon as the upbeat of the first note comes... it all melts away. I have had a few moments where the pain has remained or come back, but I think that was God reminding me of His mercy all of the countless other times. I am so privileged to play cello and to be where I am. I need to thank God more for that gift into my life. I know I play my best when it is an act of worship. Oswald Chambers says "Worship is giving God the best that He has given you." Playing cello is definitely one of the best things God has ever given me. It is my pleasure to give that back to Him.

Another idea that Oswald Chamber gives (Jan 6) is that "some of us seem to jump like spiritual frogs from worship to waiting, and from waiting to work. God's idea is that the three should go together as one. They were always together in the life of our Lord an din perfect harmony." I can see this in my life. I will come off a night like tonight where I feel so close to the Lord and wonder why so much in my life seems to be in a holding pattern. I get frustrated, then take it back as if it is something I can work and make better. Instead... there is nothing wrong in waiting. It is in waiting we should worship. There is nothing wrong with working. It is our work that we should worship God. And our waiting takes work, just like we often have to work at waiting. They really do go together. How can I wait and work with the energy and excitement that I bring in to my cello playing? That is my next steps.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I met you at the conference and you were helpful to show me what blogging and twitter is. I am sorry to hear that you have a pain issue (as I know how that is with Fibromyalgia) but it is awesome what you wrote in your blog... I especially loved the part about worshipping in our waiting and work and I too will be working on that. Hugs from a fellow worshipper in Christ! Susan