Friday, January 11, 2008

Happy Birthday, Fischer!!

My newphew is 1 today!!


Lisa Marie said...

Hmm...isn't someone else's birthday coming up soon? Like, the 28...or is it the 29th, maybe? =)

Anonymous said...

Well...let me see. Someone else having a birthday? Oh yeah. It seems that my young wife had a fit with our second child. As I recall that little girl (we did not know it was a girl...they did not tell such things as that back in the 1970's) ... little girl was dancing and singing inside her mom. And mom had to go to the hospital a couple of times to settle down that little girl who kept playing her cello in that tight little space. Well, early one moring (Sunday,Jan 29, 1978) my wife was in the hospital and the baby-doc calls the house and asks, "Do you want a baby today"? Oh my...sure! I run down to the hospital (did I leave Don in bed at age 4 by himself?)...and Jackie is all doped up. They wheel her back to some room that dad's were not allowed in in the "olden days". They tell me they are doing some Roman operation named after Caesar. So I wait and wait. Then out comes this prune of a nurse with no excitement in her voice. She says, "Your baby is having trouble breathing and we need to call a"... pedi-something or another. I told them that I did not know any and she said that Dr Such-and-Such was one of those pedi-thing doctors and he was in the hospital. So I gave them permission to call him in. Well, as that nurse turned to walk away and deliver my decision as to getting another doctor, I stopped and asked, "Is it a boy or girl"? To which she responded, "I don't know". She invited me to come back and look through the glass at my new baby, which I gladly did. And these doctors were holding this little thing, red from top to toe, screaming something (or was that singing?) all over the baby ward. She did not look like she had any problems breathing to me...through all that glass of course. So the pedi-guy comes out and says my "daughter" is fine. She just swallowed some fluid like all Caesar babies. Whew! Yep...someone is having a birthday on January 29. And on my last visit to Columbia, I drove past the hospital where she was born, reflected on how I drove her home from the front seat belt, no child seat...just the loving arms of her mother wrapped around her while I took her on her first ride a 1969 dark Green Pontiac Lemans three speed on the column two door coupe...or was it in our light Green 1974 Mercury Marqui four door with automatic and air...or was it our brown 1976 Plymouth station wagon with nice vynal seats?....Dad