Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Nugget of Truth: High School Musical

Ok... I admit it. Watching this movie was a guilty pleasure for a girl who looks for any excuse to have more music is her life. That is why I loved the line that is our nugget of truth for the movie:

"Man, that music isn't hip-hop, okay, or rock, or anything essential to culture. It's show music. It's all costumes and makeup... oh, dude, it's frightening."

It is funny how different cultures gather around musical stlye. Like high school itself there are musical clicks. The punk group, the classical snobs, the hard rockers, the cool hip hopper, the alternative rockers, the "only Christian for me" crowd, easy listeners, and can't forget the country music folks. Now when it comes to being "essential to culture"... all of these combine to make one messed up World.

The big question is... What Would Jesus Listen To? Just kidding :) Everyone knows He would listen to Hip Hop... especially DMX ;)

1 comment:

Rusty said...

What would Jesus listen too? Nice! That made me laugh out loud.