Friday, September 14, 2007

Lying through song

Have you ever reflected how many times you have lied to God through worship songs? I know I mean well, but I get so in the music... that I could say anything. This is especially bad when I am playing cello. Songs like Everlasting God and Indescribable are safe. They just describe attributes of God. Those are always true and right. But songs like Holiness... Is holiness what I long for? How about faithfulness? Righteousness? Overall in life, yes I believe it is, but at that moment... not always. One of my favorite worship songs is Draw Me Close. But there is a line "You're all I want". Sometimes that is so hard to sing. There are a lot of other things I want... not only God. Then in Blessed Be Your Name there is the line "you give and take away, still my heart will choose to say, Blessed be your name". How often do I not bless God when things are taken away.

I think these lines are great and wonderful. I think they need to be said... even sung, but I would like to sing and say them in earnest more often.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do not like getting too serious on your blog site, but you have now made a point that is very life like to me. As you know, music is not my love language. God just has not put it in me. As I drive I turn my radio dial constantly trying to get away from music. I do not dislike music. It is just a neutered concept to me. And the guilt that erupts in me, when I see others praising and worshiping God through music. I feel like I am deaf in a room full of perfectly fine people. They dance and sing and smile and all of that. Me...I am uneasy in my element and waiting on real worship to start. So I am basically feeling awkward as ever in the midst of many fine Christians who are having a wonderful time with the Lord. It is something like being in a crowd that does not speak a word of English and I have no idea what language they are speaking.

The worst part is when someone sings a solo with all of this expression of love and praise and devotion to God. I guess that is what is going on, because I cannot understand the words most people sing. Then I reflect on their life. They don't teach, witness or share in other church responsibilities. They just the choir...little else, if anything. And their singing becomes even a negative hypocritical part of their Christain life.

So I can understand. When I hear litergy, I read every word and will not join in on parts that are not telling the truth from my heart. And songs are litergy, I guess. So we should not say the words, if we do not mean them.

I agree.

Forgive me for sounding so critical. As you see people standing emotionless in a prasie and worship period, please know that they Love the Lord also, but just do not speak the Love Language of Music.