Friday, May 25, 2007

Reflection on 50 Years of Ministry

Yesteday I got the honor of sitting in a Pastor's forum and hearing from Chuck and Cynthia Swindoll share reflections from 50 years in ministry. I wanted to share a few of the life lessons they have to share. They work whether you are in formal ministry or on the front lines of the workforce.

- Do what you know is right and what's right with God.
- Do ministry the right way for the right reasons
- Think little of success (little as in not often)

Primary Ministry Principles:
1. We must be willing to leave familiar methods without disturbing the essential message.
2. In every ministry the same things have to be rejected (like shame, dishonesty, discraceful ways) ... not with craftiness or deceit / cunning / clever. Authenticity is your greatest gift to your ministry.
3. Through every ministry the same style must be modeled. Preach Christ not ourself. Christ came to give and to serve. Commit yourself to that.

We cannot...
1. Control everything
2. fix anybody (that's God's job)
3. explain God's plan
4. meet everybody's expectations
5. Dodge the tough questions (say thanks for asking, I'll do my best to find it. I don't know.)
6. We can't concern ourselves with who gets the credit.
7. Cling to the past.
8. Cannot honor Christ and operate in the flesh

Like I said, hopefully some good reminders.

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