Monday, October 02, 2006

My Friend Renee

I just found out that Renee reads my blog every day. This post is for you, babe!! I miss you so! Thanks for calling to catch up. 2 months, 2 weeks and counting! You can do it!!! I am so proud of you going after your dreams. I know it has been a long road, but you are an amazing nurse!

Oh, young love
On that day friends?
Did you know what was to come?
The I do's
The trials
The joys
The tears

Cherish the moments
Shine so bright
Love so strong
Many are watching
Rooting and cheering you on

I love you guys!!! Andres- you better be taking good care of her!!! ;)


Danielle said...

So cute!

Janine said...

Good friends are a treasure!